Monday, February 8, 2021

Paranoid Much?


Note- This post has nothing to do with strokes or living post stroke. It's my personal opinion. I am not making a political statement
I'm not a gloom and doom type of person. I guess you can figure out that about me if you've read a few of my posts. The news is filled with posts that would make anyone paranoid, right? Coupled with fake news, it's enough to make a sane person a little bit crazy or concerned at the very least. While I am concerned by recent events, I've moved myself into spectator mode. I don't spend my waking or sleeping moments swelling on it. I stand on my faith to do this. My "Daddy" in heaven has control over all in my life. He promised that I'd have a shelter, food, and clothes on my back. Through my decades on this earth, He hasn't failed me. It's a blanket coverage. So why should I be more than concerned about all the goings on outside my immediate realm? Things just have a way of working out in the long run.

My roommate, Mel, is not like that. She refers to folks like me as those who "drink the kool-aid," or have blinders on. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and anything made in China are evil. She refuses to use them anymore. She just sits in front of her computer each day ( a HP running Windows) and scours the internet for like minded people who believes as she does. Isn't this type of behavior like "drinking the kool-aid" also?

I received a package from Amazon last week, a set of pans to make my air fryer more useful. She hit the roof. Then she read the box and the products were made in China! It sent her into outer space. I spent the better part of a hour half listening to how she was trying to make my stroke addled brain understand how wrong this was. How Amazon and China were huge devils bringing about Revelations. How China hates us so much that they not only sent a worldwide pandemic nut they are trying to poison us with their products too. 

It's not that I don't understand her, but really?! There's nothing wrong with my mind although I do get confused at times. Yes, I buy American when it's possible but honestly, they usually have Chinese made parts in them. There isn't electronics that doesn't have some bit or piece of them not made in some third world country or other. America hasn't been in production mode in a very long time.  It will take time to fall back into it. I really don't think it's even possible to do across the board anymore. Price point matters also especially in these economic times also. The dollar doesn't stretch as far as it once did. Now that I think about it, did it ever?  It seems the same complaint no matter which decade you are living through. I also believe in shopping locally as much as I can. I do not ask where individual components come from. I'm just not that obsessive about it. Maybe I'm wrong.

I pray about the welfare of others. I pray about major decisions I have to make in my sphere of influence. Within that sphere, I'll fight injustices after given all sides of the story as a logical choice. But I do hear all sides of a story not just one side or the other. Do I care about election fraud, stock market wrangling, and any one of a thousand issues being reported? Yes and no. I reserve the right to choose my battles. Let's face it honestly, how much influence do I have in the afore mentioned areas... not much. All that I can do is pray about it and hope that saner heads prevail. So that's what I do. After all, there's no greater powers than faith and hope.


  1. I try to buy American, but it's really hard to do so.
    That stuff can make you nuts. Like you, I choose my battles. And for the past few weeks, I've avoided a lot of news.

    1. Alex I spend fifteen minutes a day in reading highlights. Anything more than that drives me nuts. I can't do like mt roommate and spend hours!! No wonder she's got a depression disorder.


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