Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Mailbox ~ Reviewers and Giveaways

As many of you know I tend to spotlight my reviewer blog/friends from time to time. I actually just read their blogs and posts rather than ask them to review my books because I enjoy their style of book reviews. They are my unsung heroes. I've been conversing with several via email of late.

I rarely do current book reviews here. Most of the books I review have been out a while if not years. They are books that I stumble upon or been reviewed by others. They are based on my current needs and desires. I'm eclectic as a reader and read a little of everything because even though I'm an author, I'm an avid reader too. Ah, the beauty of word of mouth sales as an author. The best kind there is.

Most recently, I've been emailing Michelle Miller. She not only does reviews of books but it takes it a couple of steps farther. She reviews books like any reviewer does, but she hosts several other blogs as well. Read-a-thons by genre where she asks authors to donate copies of their books as prizes to those lucky few winners. She also hosts a write-a-thon for those working on their novel. Talk about being an all around type of reviewer!

I first met Michelle two years ago on GoodReads. I don't remember which section, but it must have been a horror section because I was researching and promoting my zombie wanna-be series of books, I think. She was asking for prize books for her read-a-thon so I checked her out. What better way to get books in reader's hands and do double duty promotion? She had a far greater readership than I did at the time.

I thought about it for over a week before I jumped on it. I don't make rash decisions. I always put thought into every action prior to action. It was a win-win scenario was my final decision. I donate a couple of e-copies or a signed paperback and she does all the promotion. So whenever she asks, if I have something appropriate, I give and participate when I can.

So today I'm spotlighting Michelle is her various entities. All her posts to each site are current, and she still has time to read and write too. I thought I was multitasking with two blogs. I've got nothing on her in comparison. Check her out! She has something for everyone.

The True Book Addict

Castle Macabre

A Brave Heart

Stories Inside    a write-a-thon

Historical Fiction Connection

The Christmas Spirit

Read-a-thons (throughout the year)

Keep writing and loving the Lord.


  1. A review and a giveaway - great idea! And she has a lot of book blogs. A genre for everyone.

  2. it's funny how we meet people from in person to the blogs we share... so many good friends come from it. looking forward to it.

  3. Oh good to know! Thanks for the links. :)

  4. That's a lot of blogs! Sounds like Michelle is doing some great things for the community.

  5. To all,
    Michelle is awesome. That's the thing about communities, when we find a good or bad thing we have to share with others.

  6. Very cool--thanks for sharing!

  7. Jo, thank you so much for the kudos! I have so enjoyed working with you and I'm so glad that we have been able to help each other mutually. My week started off with a thud so reading this post just now has been very uplifting.

    And wow! You included all my blog links. You're awesome! *hugs*

  8. Michelle, You deserve the kudos. Of course I listed all of your blogs! I'm thorough that way. I don't know about awesome maybe aspiring to inspire. I hope you get some more authors on your bandwagon. You do a great job.


I love to hear from you! Agree, Disagree, matter. Even if it's to say you were here.