Sunday, January 5, 2020

Sunday Stroke Survival: Stretching the Limits~ Oops!

A few weeks ago, I told you about stretching my limits picking up twigs and branches.  Well, I did it several times since then. I've now achieved the ten-foot mark from the top of the ravine at a 45 degree downward angle. I've actually done this several times this week. Of course, there were trees and undergrowth to assist me also.

I'm still testing my limits. I'm hoping to make it the whole 600+ feet down to the creek this year. Well, okay, it might be a two-year goal. I haven't found the right spot yet to do it safely without a three-foot or larger drop offs along my path. I'm thinking the more I test my limits, the more I can accomplish. I haven't been everywhere yet on this property yet.

our cockeyed homestead, CRAZY prop. lines
I do know on the western edge of the orchard(top left dog leg), there is a 20-foot drop off down, and then slopes to the creek. I can see the creek bed but not fool hardy enough to attempt it even on the yard tractor. A zip line with a swing or rappelling gear possibly. Nah, not at my age...maybe twenty years ago I'd try it, but then it was pre-strokes. Now, I'm too old and safety conscience.

That leaves the only possibility of my reaching the creek is the south to southeastern side. The left line is the ravine I'm talking about. Luckily, the property is heavily treed. Otherwise, I wouldn't even attempt it. So as you can see from the picture. This aerial shot the longest, semi straight line is the ravine I'm taking about. The creek runs from the bottom corner point up to the uppermost dog leg at the top of the screen and forms our property lines. Some CRAZY property lines, huh? But anyhow, you can actually see where I'm trying to go. It's almost an acre of land away from the house...all downhill.

I know your asking what the oops was about in the title. Well, on one particular slope I fell coming back up the slope. It was a choice of either a hard fall or semi controlled fall. I was about 6' from the top. I lost my balance enough that the small shrub I was grabbing couldn't hold my balance. I barely missed the holly bush by inches with my affected knee where I landed. I congratulated myself on such a controlled fall.

I hand and kneed it crawled up the slope about three feet to a tree. Then, I was able to stand up. It's a neat trick on a upward slope and an AFO clad foot. But I did it. No cuts nor bruises, only my pride was hurt. Of course, the rough treatment to my body caused my spasticity to worsen until the next day and my body hurt all over.

It's been about a week since this incident and I still haven't ventured down that far again. It's not fear because I'll do it again if the need or inclination hits. We've had a rainy wind storm this week, which has given me ample sticks and branches on fairly level ground to pick up. I'm actually working smarter instead of harder. They become a fall hazard when the last few leaves on the trees fall. Soon there will be snow and ice to make walking hazardous enough without wet leaves covering up sticks and branches too.

Nothing is impossible.


  1. You certainly don't want to try it when it's wet and muddy. Then you won't be able to hide a slip like that so easily because you'll be a mess.

    1. Ah Alex, there's the rub. The eaves were still wet and muddy. There was no hiding the evidence.No worries, my roommate was out doing the shopping so a shower washed it all away.


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