Sunday, June 9, 2019

Sunday Stroke Survival: Time Out

I've faithfully posted my Sunday blog each week for over seven years. I'm taking the month of June and July off.

Life has become too hectic. I've even dropped out of the Emory spasticity study. I'll be using the time off to make some lifestyle decisions and changes.

As y'all know, I've borne all of the financial burden for our homestead for the last 2 and a half years. Last week, I had a car accident in Mel's truck. I totaled it. I was moderately injured facial fractures, evulsion of my left eye, and various bruises and contusions. Once some of the swelling was reduced, the specialist was able to pop my eye back in the socket. My vision has somewhat been restored. I'm still being slammed with headaches from the concussion, and from my injured eye in anything brighter than 60 watts.

Thanks for hanging with me. I shall return.

Nothing is impossible.


  1. Jo, so sorry to hear that. I'm glad the accident wasn't worse. It does sound like you need to focus on other things now.

  2. Happy healing! We'll all be here when you are able to return.

  3. I am so sorry to hear this news. You will be in my thoughts.


I love to hear from you! Agree, Disagree, matter. Even if it's to say you were here.