Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday Stroke Survival: Well, I Forgot

You may have noticed that I missed Sunday Stroke Survival this past Sunday. Well, I forgot. Well, not exactly, I was in the Golden Isles packing up more stuff that I didn't earlier. I had canceled the movers. I just packed items I had to have like clothes, animals, feed, and assorted stuff into my van. It took two trips. Last weekend, Mel, two friends, and I drove to the house to clean up and get the bigger stuff like my lift chair and assorted things.

Murphy's Law strikes again. One of the guys we hired, cousin to our friend, who was supposed to go and bring his 14' trailer along ended up not coming due to an emergency in his family. That left us short on muscle power and his trailer. On the drive to the coast, our friend's Jeep front end started wobbling. I'm thinking a tie rod was loose as I watched through the Chevy truck's back window. He said it was his wheels were out of alignment. The wobble increased as he picked up speed. So we toddled along on the interstate going 52 mph. There were no neighbors to be found less than 50 to help lift. I had arranged for a motel room for the two nights we were in town. The tractor/mower we were suppose to bring back with us had a dead battery and couldn't be loaded. I had text messaged mt girls of our intention to empty the house that weekend. Their husbands were at work and they weren't available. GRRR! I gave them a month's notice and weekly reminders. So we brought back what would fit in the back of Mel's truck and the Jeep. At this rate it will take a couple of trips more.

By the time I remembered this blog, we were on back roads making our way back home. I'm giving notice in advance now that my Sunday blog may not appear on schedule for the next month and a half. Just in case Murphy's Law strikes again.

On the home front, I've been grooming 11 rabbits, caring for 2 dogs, 5 cats, and 7 chickens since I've been on this mountain. We've been building garden beds both 8" and 3' tall for our crops. I've planted the crops for transplanting while the beds are being made. This year's goal is fresh eating. So I've planted tomatoes, cucumbers, okra, onions, garlic, an assortment of herbs, lettuces, corn, spinach, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tumeric, ginger, horseradish, about 15 varieties  of beans, English peas, and both sweet and hot peppers. Oh we also started apples, peach, pecan, lemon, fig, and mandarin orange trees. We planted strawberries in both gutters and hanging baskets. So we've been pretty busy.

We also have our new YouTube channel up, a new website, created a new logo, a new blog, pinterest account, and FaceBook. See below-
Our cockeyed email-
Our cockeyed website-
Our cockeyed pinterest-
Our cockeyed blog-
Our cockeyed facebook page-
Our cockeyed youtube channel - We've got a glitch in our link.,com search "cockeyedhomestead."
So check us out-like, pin, comment and subscribe. Thanks.

Nothing is impossible.