Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday Mailbox ~ How I Edit *Redux*

It's Monday and it's time to answer your questions. As you may have noticed this particular post has been up first on my blog for a month now! That's because it first published on February 11th instead of March because of a hiccup with either my computer or Blogspot. Sorry about that and hopefully it will not happen again. But now it IS March 11th, FINALLY. The first two months I had repeated glitches or ghosties in my blog. I've added to my list because of another visit from Abby.

What are the steps to self-editing? EB

My reply...

If you've read my blogs, you know that I only just recovered some of my self-editing techniques after my stroke here. Since then, I've had a couple of visits from "Abby," my Abby Normal brain. I still don't feel 100% confident about the process yet as I once was.

  • Redundancy- this includes over use of the same words. Saying the same things over and over again. There are limits.
  • Filler words such as "that"
  • Passive sentences "to" plus a verb
  • Read it aloud- if you have no speech impediment like I do, you'll find mistakes.
  • Changes in POV, point of view. Switching from one character to another's mind or what they know ot switching up the "I" and "you."
So far that's about it as far as I remember. I know there is a lot more to it. I'm still waiting for more nocturnal visits from "Abby" for my personal editing to be restored.

What is your main tripping point in editing?

Keep writing and loving the Lord.


  1. I spend more time editing my blog than writing the posts. First I eliminate paragraphs. Then I eliminate sentences. I know I'm not done editing until I get down to eliminating single words.

  2. I hope Abby comes back in full force!

    I would say watch out for headhopping which I tend to do. Unless you meant to do it.

    1. I tend to head hop when doing multiple points of views in novels but not in nonfiction. I hope Abby comes back soon too.

  3. It's amazing how many filler words I find on each round of editing! Just, seemed, really, looked...

    1. Yep, while you're writing it doesn't seem like you are typing them, but when you look there are hundreds of the little buggers.

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  5. Like Nick mentioned above, my big weakness is head hopping. I do find that once I've edited and found something that is an issue for me, I will notice it as I do it and stop it from happening. I hope you continue to heal and improve.

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

    1. Shannon,
      Head hopping was a major issue for me when I first started writing fiction, but like you, now not so much. I'm healing slow and somewhat steady.

  6. Eek, Jo, how did you do that? The date at the top of your post is 11 March 2013! :-)

    1. Deniz,
      It was a quirk and ghost in my machine. It's possessed. Somehow the scheduler published two Mailboxes on the same day a couple weeks ago. As you can see from the date, I had it scheduled right, but it has been published already so it'll be the first one on my site until March 11th. Been having some real issues with the scheduler lately.

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  8. I just found you from Overcoming Adversity and I can relate on a smaller scale because I get Migraines several times a week so writing has become difficult for me. Blogging is easier for me to do than writing my books. The neurological issues that stem from Migraines is complex and blogging allows me to still write when I'm not quite 100%. I'm glad I found you. =)

    1. Elise,
      I'm happy you found me too! :) I understand about migraines I had them too until I found out the allergic reaction that was causing them. They are devastating.

      Blogging is my way of recovering what I lost.

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  10. Damn that Abby! I hope you find her soon!
    Wow March 11th...there is time travel ;D

    1. Ella,
      Nope is a good thing. If Abby keeps popping up in my dreams, that is. It's a sign that my brain is finding a way around all the dead tissue in my brain. Yep, it sure does fly especially since this particular post found the light of day February 11th! Glitch in the scheduling system.

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  12. I catch a lot of repeated words when I edit. I also note areas where I am telling an emotion rather than showing it.

    1. Alex,
      Exactly. When writing the text we have no idea we've used this or that word ten times in a row because that's the way we speak, but in writing it makes a big difference. Telling is another things I do often in rough drafts. I use my editing process to finely tune and expand what I've written.

  13. I used to read aloud all the time while editing but for some reason have become more self-conscious about it...

    1. Deniz,
      Self conscious?! You? Surely not. lol Honestly, I think everyone is self conscious when reading to other folks, even loved ones. The first run I'll do it by myself. After I get the polished version, I'll read it to others.


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