Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday Mailbox ~Give Me aBreak

I've been borrowing from Peter to pay Paul to keep this blog going through some pretty tough times of late. My energy level is low even with three hours of naps during the day and eight hours of sleep a night, and everything else is suffering because it. In short, I'm taking a break from blogging except for the Sunday Stroke series I started.


  1. If you need a break, take one! We'll still be here.

  2. I agree with Alex. Take as long as you need; then, refreshed, you can return to give us your very helpful advice. Besides, when you're not blogging, you'll still be thinking about what you want to say.

  3. I need it. Thanks. But thought I'd give you readers a heads up so you didn't think something drastic was happening like when I had my stroke.

  4. I'm glad you're taking a break, you deserve one! We'll be here when you come back and we'll be wanting to know how you are. Hope all goes well.

  5. Hang in there, Jo! Take care of yourself, and we'll be here when you get back!

  6. Hi Jo .. look after yourself .. the body always needs so much time to heal ..

    I do hope you'll feel easier soon - though I'm pleased the Sunday Stroke posts will continue - an essential read ..

    With thoughts - Hilary

  7. I know you will enjoy the break. Thanks for the heads up.


I love to hear from you! Agree, Disagree, matter. Even if it's to say you were here.