Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday Stroke Survival: True Confession Time-Doing the Laundry

Time confession time. I hate doing laundry! I washed clothes, on average, three loads a day when my children were small. I never enjoyed the task even when I could afford an automatic washer and dryer. There's something so mundane about this chore. All the sorting, loading the washer, putting them in the dryer, folding, and putting them away. It's made even more difficult living post stroke.

Now, I do laundry once a month very grudgingly. It's two or maybe three loads with my comforter. I'll put off doing the laundry until I down to my last pair of clean
panties, socks, or pants. I hate this job that much. This is why I used to use a laundry service at my old place. I haven't found on here or I'd use it gladly. I imagine there is one because there are several laundromats here. I have not stopped to ask.

The price is a trade off in saving me the aggravation and what I consider a waste of my valuable time. In reality, this is a cop out and I know it. I know it should be done like changing your underwear every day.

Strange as it might seem, I don't mind ironing. I kind of enjoy it. I used to iron my sheets and pillow cases. I love ironing handkerchiefs. There's something almost cathartic about it.  The steam gives a great facial too.  Crazy, huh?

In this world of permanent pressed everything, I love ironing. Still I find some things to iron the day after laundry day. I use a knit fitted sheet on my twin sized bed, but the flat sheet is cotton. My pillow cases are cotton also so they get a pass under the iron. My permanent press shirts are old so the collars, cuffs, and button bands need a light press, not that I have many. It's not a lot, but enough to keep me happy.

Well, enough procrastinating, time to do the laundry.

Nothing is impossible.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday Stroke Survival: Some Quotes and My Take on Them

 I really don't have just one subject for today.  I have many. Namely some quotes that I've accumulated over the years and why I chose them as important to me. With a little luck, they may even help you living post stroke or brighten your day.

These are in no particular order.

On beauty...

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”
 ~ Coco Chanel

Coco Chanel wasn't a raging beauty, but a popular fashion designer, but I love this quote. It ranks right up there with me as "beauty begins within."

I've really never been a fru-fru type of type of girl. Maybe in my teens and early twenties did I overly use "war paint" or wear designer clothes. But that was short lived and expensive. I prefer the "look" of 'what you see comes from within.' I could never be described as a ravishing beauty or a beauty queen. I am what I am and don't try to be anything else. I do on occasion wear perfume, eye liner, or lipstick, but those occasions are few and far between. The garden, chickens, and rabbits don't care what I look like so long as I care for them.

On happiness..

“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.”
  ~ Pearl S. Buck

Pearl S Buck was a Pulitzer Prize novelist who had a definite way of turning  a phrase. She's one of my favorite authors.

I prefer the small joys of life along the path of my life. They nurture, refresh, and sustain you on your way. I believe the big happiness is the culmination of these. Remember I talked about detours in your life's path a few weeks ago? Surviving a stroke or any major mishap is a detour in the way you thought your life should be.

"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
 ~ Guillaume Apollinaire

A French poet, writer and critic hit a chord with me in this quote. A similar quote is stop and smell the roses. Don't be so busy reaching your goals that you don't appreciate the journey. Half the trip is the memorable moments in between.

On adversity...

"Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge."
 ~ Eckhart Tolle

While not a Christian spiritual author, the New York Times dubbed him "the most popular spiritual author." He is indeed spiritual. I formed this conclusion after reading, The Power of Now and his subsequent books. His 'teachings' encompasses all religions. Having studied many different religions also, his writings hit a common chord with me.

My last quote comes from our 26th president.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

 ~ Theodore Roosevelt
In surviving a stroke, I'll admit to not being able to live my life as I once did. I took a detour along my perceived path of my life. Along this detour, I have found new ways to do what I want to do. I've met some truly wonderful folks that I might not have met otherwise. My ministry has changed from a professional career to a lay pastorialship to a flock of lost souls. These folks I may not have met otherwise. My life as a whole, albeit frustrating at times, is richer for this.

After all, what is life without a few bumps in the road? A life on a treadmill really going nowhere.

Nothing is impossible.