I don't dream much or at least I rarely remember them when I wake up. I'm not talking about the visions I get in prayers, but actual sleep time dreams. Those dreams I do remember have a point. This one was so weird, I have to share it.
This is one I remembered so vividly. It was about this blog and the writing in this blog. Maybe I've been focusing too hard on it now that I have two stroke organizations reading it. Or, that it finally sunk in that almost 300 people a day are clicking on my site. Or maybe, I noticed how many times I've used "I" and filler words in writing my blogs. Or maybe, my English grammar is kicking in with all this writing I've been doing. I didn't honestly know, but now I do after pondering it for twenty-four hours.
But here's how the dream unfolds...
I get emails when someone writes a comment so that's the first things I do in the mornings over my cup of Earl Grey tea. I'm reading the comments to my blog and other emails. A person with the handle of 'Abby' writes: "And you call yourself a writer?" Then she proceeds to point out every time I've used the word "I" to start a sentence. As if that was not bad enough, she points out every time I used "ly" as a modifier and "that!." If it was just one post it wouldn't be so bad, but it went back two weeks on every blog I'd written! I'm scrolling past comment after comment.
I awoke with a start. I was so flummoxed I didn't even get dressed. I powered up my computer and fixed a cup of tea. I searched my emails for any comments by Abby. Whew! There were none, but I carried it a step farther. I searched all the comments on my blogs including the spams under Blogspot. Satisfied and breathed a sigh of relief, it was in fact only a dream. No Abby was found.
But the dream wouldn't let go of me that easily. It haunted me even though I was wide awake and for the past twenty-four hours since. My brain hasn't functioned right to let me edit text since my stroke. It was a quirky cognitive brain function I'd lost and was very frustrating to me. Then I realized, think flash bulbs going off in my head, it was exactly how I did a critique on a first editing pass. Every time I found "ly" as a modifier, I'd cross out the "ly" and jot in FBW (Find Better Word) and used the "find" function for every "that" which was used improperly as a filler.
This morning I opened my WIP and edited what I had written. I am EDITING! Wahoo! The dream was finally sorting itself out.
I've called myself Abby Normal since I saw the movie "Young Frankenstein" with Gene Wilder in 1974. I love that movie. The term Abby Normal just fit me me to a "T."
- Dr. Frankenstein: Now... that brain that you gave me... was it Hans Delbruck's?
- Igor: [Crosses arms] No.
- Dr. Frankenstein: [Holds up hand] Ah. Good. Uh... would you mind telling me... whose brain... I did put in?
- Igor: And you won't be angry?
- Dr. Frankenstein: I will not be angry.
- Igor: [Shrugs] Abby...someone.
- Dr. Frankenstein: Abby someone? Abby who?
- Igor: Abby Normal.
- Dr. Frankenstein: [takes a deep breath] Abby Normal?
- Igor: I'm almost sure that was the name. [He and Dr. Frankenstein laugh]
- Dr. Frankenstein: Are you saying... [Stands] that I put an abnormal brain... [Puts hand on Igor's hump] into a 7 and a half foot long... 54- inch wide... [Grabs Igor by throat] GORILLA?!?!?! [Strangling Igor] IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE TELLING ME!?!
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