Thanks , I have recently been looking for information about this subject for ages and yours is the greatest I have discovered till now. Are you certain in regards to the source?
This was sent to me regarding platform building. But a lot of my blogs give information about writing the perfect book or how to advertise it. So I'm doing to answer this one question about sources in regards to my blog.
I use various sources of information as it pertains to my blog. Some of the sources I use are tried and true by me or other writers. Some are garnered by books I have read by authors I trust to give me the straight skinny on ideas. Some are things I learned in various classes I've taken or taught.
Before 2010, I had no idea what a platform was as to writing. I knew all about advertising and market share was from my business as a consultant and college. There is something to be said for entrepreneurship. It's either eat or be eaten in this world. There is always something higher on the food chain than you. Although for most humans, they become prey for microscopic organisms more than huge animals.
To consider myself well read is an understatement, you can't have as many sheepskins under your belt as I do and not be well read. No, I'm not bragging just stating facts.Education aside, I have diverse interests and skills, and haven't run across much that I didn't want to know more about. I have an inquisitive mind, and am always questioning. If I have questions stewing in the pack rat of a brain of mine, I have to find the answer. "Because" doesn't suffice.
To quote passage and verse where I received the answer, I can't do it...unless it's the Bible. The world has abundant resources available to a seeker of information. Type any question into a internet search engine and view thousands of results. For me, my mind is a sponge and absorbing as much as it can until it's over saturated and dripping. The only detriment to my stroke has been that I reach the over saturation point too soon these days.
So how do you search for answers?
Keep writing and loving the Lord.
My son is three and his mind has clicked on. He is always asking why, how, what questions. Recently he as asked, among other things, what's under the road, why do we have clouds and why our foot rotates from the heal to the toe when we walk. If this keeps up I might need to go back to school to answer his questions.
ReplyDeleteOh, I remember that stage well with my girls and still going through it with my grands. Luckily it is short-lived