Friday, April 24, 2020

Sunday Stroke Survival: Just When You Think You Can Breathe

You are taught to breathe through pain in Lamaze class. You are taught how to breathe in Yoga class. You are taught to breath in anger management  or to combat panic attacks. I usually say, "Take a deep breath. This too will pass." Now again, I'm chanting it to myself.

Last week, I had my six-month cancer check up on my thyroid. I knew it was going to be bad before I even had the scan. I could feel it. I started having difficulty swallowing and breathing while lying.  If I pushed on my throat there was a lump where my thyroid gland should have been. The scan only proved it. The mass is the size of half my thyroid gland and it's grown that big in six months. Never a good sign. So it begins again.

It shatters my goal of staying away from hospitals in 2020. A needle biopsy was preformed and surgery scheduled,

Nothing is impossible.


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