Friday, July 17, 2015

Until We Meet Again

My beloved has gone on before me. He drew his last breath as I watched. His fight to remain on the Earthly plain is over. There is no more pain. No more struggling for each ounce of oxygen. He is with our Heavenly Father, his grandparents and parents whom he loved and was truly loved by.

A part of me wants to yell Hallelujah and be filled with joy. But my selfish side fights useless tears of grief from a heart torn out of my chest.

Yes, I'm the wife of an angel now. All there is left to do is heal until I can smile again.


  1. Oh Jo, your tears are not useless -- tears show the world how much he was loved. You are not selfish. It is hard, no matter how much you are "prepared". I don't think anyone can really be prepared for such a loss.

    I wish I was there and could give you a great big hug, but know I am hugging you in my thoughts.

  2. Diane, If anyone knows how I do. Big hugs to you too.

  3. Dear Jo - with many thoughts - you've been an exemplary wife being with and helping your DBH in these last days and months .. especially recently - feel peace to take these next few days and early weeks with as much equilibrium as possible ... with hugs - Hilary

  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you can draw comfort from your memories of your time together.

  5. To observe you and Diane experience these profound losses makes me feel grateful for Tom's health, despite my disabled condition. Both of you inspire me w your grace.

  6. So sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you today and in the days that follow.

  7. Jo you were a wonderful, loving, devoted wife. Your beloved husband knew that you loved him. You can rest easy knowing that you did the absolute best you could for him in his final days.

    I want you to know that you are and forever will be a good friend and my mentor and I treasure our friendship. I love you Jo and I am praying for you.

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even though you expected it, there's a hole in your heart. Just know that you have my thoughts and prayers. {{{{hugs}}}}

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Even though you expected it, there's a hole in your heart. Just know that you have my thoughts and prayers. {{{{hugs}}}}

  10. I am so sorry for your loss.

  11. I'm so sorry, Jo. I'm thinking of you.


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