Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I haven't done much in the way of advertising my novel, "Escape from Second Eden."  I've been busy doing what most author's do...writing, editing, and researching possible plot lines.  So the result was two books sold since I sold 100 copies in forty-eight hours.  No biggy, right?

Today, I spent decompressing after editing and rewriting, "The Sacrificial Lamb."  I had edited it so tight I was short about about 10K words from the standard 50K-word minimum for a novel.  I spent the past week developing a subplot and threaded it in and throughout the novel.  I finally wrote "The End" and meant it last night. At least I completed one of ten goals I had set for myself for Spring Break from college.

Now comes the rush #1.  I was web surfing today and noticed that I got a five star rating on my book in Smashwords.  I was pleasantly surprised.  You think you've got a good novel, but really aren't sure until you read the reviews how much of a good book or stinker it really is.  Family telling you is great is just family telling you it's great.  They love you.  They are supposed to say nice things about the things you do...aren't they?

Rush #2- I found my novel on  While I understood the book was available in all formats, I didn't understand it would actually appear on their website.  It was truly a DOH! moment. I really should spend more time researching.  Even better yet, the novel will be available at in a few days.  Both are electronic formats in Kindle, Nook, Sony and a few others.

Well anyhow, that was my decompress day.  Keep writing and loving the Lord.


  1. Congrats on the book release! It's always exciting to get that first positive review. It's one of those things you'll never forget!

  2. Congrats on the review! Wish I had an ereader

  3. Congratulations on your two rush moments!


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