Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Escape from Second Eden" Now Available

It's a new year and time to try new things.  I've just uploaded "Escape from Second Eden" to  I can hear my grandson now..."Welcome to the 21st century, Grandma."

Unabashed advertising here--
"Escape from Second Eden"
What would you do if there were no one you could trust and everything you once believed is false?  Eiko Mueller’s life spirals out of control with her husband’s embassy assignment in Ceylon.  In 1969 on this tropical island, the duty starts out just like any other until the Ceylon switches from democracy to socialism.  She is a pawn in a nation-against-nation chess match for power and control.  But unlike in real chess, this pawn has assets and survival skills beyond measure.
The download price is $7.99
Enjoy 20% of the novel for free

1 comment:

  1. sounds really exciting. Good luck and congratulations :O)


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